Parenting Coordination

Parenting Coordination

A non-confidential, child centered process for conflicted divorce and divorcing parents.

Parenting Coodination (PC) is a form of dispute resolution for parents in which mediation would be inappropriate or ineffective due to high levels of conflict. Through eduction, mediation, and case management, the family's progress is monitored to ensure that parents are fulfilling their obligations to their child while complying with the Court's recommendation.

Parenting Coordinators assist parents in establishing and maintaining a co-parenting relationship by reducing parental conflict. The overall emphasis is to offer children the opportunity to grow up in a home environment free from the devastating stress of being caught in the middle of parental conflict.

Parenting Coordination is the only effective intervention that can minimize parental conflict, reduce stress on children and interrupt the revolving door of contempt and modification actions.

Call Tori White Legal Group, LLC today to see if one of our CPI Certified Parenting Coordinators is right for your family's needs.

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When you want to control

the result of your case.

When you are unable to get a court date or resolve your issue with mediation.

Conducting comprehensive investigations for the best interest of your children.

Interested in our Family Law services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can  provide the perfect solution.
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Interested in our Family Law services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can  provide the perfect solution.
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